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Spirit Art by Melanie Ladewig (129)
Besonderheit: Erst zeigte sich der geistige Lehrer in jung, dann sollte ich das Gesicht ausradieren…
Spirit Art by Melanie Ladewig (128)
und erneut zu zeichnen beginnen. Das kleine Äffchen auf der Schulter was der treue Begleiter dieses Lehrers zu Lebzeiten.

Spirit Art by Melanie Ladewig (98)

Vielen Dank, wir beide kennen diese Guides noch nicht, werden aber mit ihnen sitzen und sie besser kennenlernen.

Ihre A.

Todenbüttel, der 02.06.2016

Spirit Art by Melanie Ladewig (66)Highly recommended!!

This not only looks like my guide as I’ve seen him in dreams, but also is incredibly similar to descriptions and another drawing I received of him from other intuitives. And the message Melanie sent is spot on!! Thank you so much!

Kimberly – USA

Spirit Art by Melanie Ladewig (26)

Ah thank you so much!

I feel kind of bad since it sort of feels like I forced my spirit-guide/angel to show herself when she probably did not want to but she’s very beautiful and has a kind smile. And she probably did not wish to reveal much. Haha. Thank you again!

Your art is lovely. Merry Xmas!

Brittney – USA


Spirit Art by Melanie Ladewig (11)Thank you for this cool portrait.Now I finally know what Uryel looks like.
I’m not quite sure yet what he meant by that message.
I appreciate your time and energy Melanie.

Sie haben eine erstaunliche Talent 🙂

Raphael – Kanada

Spirit Art by Melanie Ladewig (78)

They are both beautiful, and the information you channeled is both validating, and very very helpful.

Absolutely wonderful experience! I have recommended this to my friends and colleagues, thank you!!!

Kimberly – USA

Spirit-Art-by-Melanie-Ladewig (68)Such a unique gift – so happy I found her!!

Will treasure this portrait forever… Thanks so much!

Shay – USA

Spirit Art by Melanie Ladewig (32)Hello Melanie,

Thank you for the portrait and the message.

I am in awe. Blessings!

Raúl – USA

Spirit-Art-by-Melanie-Ladewig (80)

Thank you for the portrait of my spirit guide. I have seen her but not in a physical sense. This has been a very spiritual year for me so far. Thank You.

Marcus – USA

Spirit Art by Melanie Ladewig (34)

Thank you so much for drawing my spirit guide and sending this drawing to me.

My spirit guide is awesome. I haven’t seen her yet, maybe that will happen soon.

Corine – Niederlande


Amazing. This looks a lot like our grandfather. You are beyond gifted. Wow, just wow! 

Amazing! Very talented! It does resonate with me on a few levels. You are very gifted. Thank You

Athanasia, USA


What a beautiful experience.Thank You very much.. Love & Blessings

Kate – USA

Spirit Art by Melanie Ladewig (102)

Hi Melanie – I posted my son’s portrait on Facebook and my long time friend loved it and said about it……….“that is so much, your smile, Debbie, in the sketch“ then when I posted what you said Tommy said she replied…..“ It sounds so like Tommy“

VALIDATIONS 🙂 love it.

Deborah, USA

Meine Schwester verstarb in 2007 und in den letzten Jahren habe ich darauf gewartet, dass sie sich durch verschiedene Jenseits-Medien zur Wort meldet, aber sie kam nie durch. Melanie brachte meine Schwester in 2017 „durch“ – endlich, konnte sich jemand mit ihr verbinden.

Es brachte mir solche große Heilung.

Melanie hat sie außerdem gezeichnet, als sie mit ihr in Verbindung stand. Die Ähnlichkeit ist unheimlich und überzeugte mich darüber hinaus, dass sie in der Tat mit meiner Schwester kommunizierte. Ich kann Melanie nicht genug danken.

Carrie W. – Alabama (USA), der 25.12.216


Liebe Melanie,

erst einmal möchte ich mich herzlich bei Dir bedanken für den tollen und unkomplizierten Jenseitskontakt. Ich kann nur aus eigener Erfahrung sagen, dass Du mich voll und ganz überzeugt hast , und ich jederzeit wieder Dich als Medium aufsuchen würde.

Du hast mir eindeutige Beweise und wahnsinnig ergreifende Botschaften übermittelt, ich habe dank Dir wieder Kraft und Hoffnung geschöpft, die mir kein anderes Medium in der Art und Weise geben konnte.

Ich Danke Dir von Herzen für diesen tiefgründigen und ergreifenden Kontakt.

Alles Gute für Dich, mach weiter so!

Deine Sabine A. Berlin, der 15.02.2017


Words cannot explain my gratitude.. Nor can words express they joy I feel. It was a extraordinary service provided. So accurate ,and precise .. its was like hearing my heart speak.. and to see my Guide, I can’t explain the peace I feel within . It’s was like a vision of someone I loved and already knew. Thank you so much for sharing your gift!

Quishana, USA, Connecticut, der 23.12.2016

Spirit Art by Melanie Ladewig (117)

Thank you. The message feels right but i always thought she is a nun instead. 🙂 im not into fashion and style as a career or a mean of living but im interested in shopping haha 😛

Thank you very much! I love the spiritual portrait and the message 🙂

Have a nice day. Your drawing is indeed beautiful!!!

Vy – Canada, Edmonton, der 01.08.2016

Spirit-Art-by-Melanie-Ladewig (70)

For the first time in my life, a few dollar feels like five million!

Thank you so much! This portrait is so beautiful, she is so beautiful!

I almost cried. …really grateful for the opportunity! Keep up the good work! She knew I was quite pyschic myself. For those who believe, bless you!

Jerrah – Philippinen

Spirit-Art-by-Melanie-Ladewig (76)


Yes, I do have a fear.

thank you very much for sharing your gift, melanie.

I love it and I’m happy to meet Elena. I will try to feel her presence.

Eileen – USA

Spirit Art by Melanie Ladewig (23)

What is your recommendation to approach her to ask her name?

She’s beautiful by the way!!

Thank you

Carol – USA

Spirit Art by Melanie Ladewig (37)

Great and right on the money.

I have met my spirit guide before so its nice to see I’m not crazy. lol


Tamera – USA

Spirit-Art-by-Melanie-Ladewig (74)

Wow. This made me feel so much love when I listened to that song.

Also my spirit guide looks familiar.

Thank you so much! Wonderful! So happy to finally see what my spirit guide looks like. Who she drew feels familiar to me when I saw them. I’ll be back for the other offers as well!!

Jennifer – USA

Spirit Art by Melanie Ladewig (22)Thank you very much.

I hope one day he will share more with me. Great picture!


Darren – United Kingdom

Spirit Art by Melanie Ladewig (81)Melanie is truly gifted! Her drawings really resonated with me. These two figures figure prominently in my life and constantly show themselves to me in different ways. Amazing! Thank you!!!

Ivane – USA


Spirit Art by Melanie Ladewig (77)Always a wonderful experience, highly recommended! So accurate, it’s incredible. 

I’ve been told about the grandmotherly guide before, and with a very similar description.

Kimberly – USA

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